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Metaverse 2: Metaverse 2 Update Information
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Version: 2.2.2

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Metaverse 2 Update Information

Metaverse 2 is the biggest ever update to our popular starship combat game. We have this page for you to give you information on all the changes.

How much does Metaverse cost me?

The rulebook, assorted documentation, and any future releases of scenarios and campaign supplements are and always will be free for you to download at any time. The MetaMaker software carries with it a monthly subscription fee. This fee grants you the ability to design your own custom navies with custom fleets, starships, starfighters, and weapons.

What happens if I stop paying the subscription fee?

If your subscription ends you will no longer be able to access your navies and their elements. An account that has gone more than 12 months without a paid subscription is deleted. Should you re-up your subscription before the 12 months is up, all your content will still be available.

How can I share my designs with other like-minded enthusiasts?

As of version 2.0, a user's designs cannot be shared. However, the next intended update will be centered on user's sharing a each other's content.

How often is this game updated?

Metaverse is a living entity which sees regular updating. Since the rules themselves are electronic and free, they can be updated at a more regular pace than hard copy books. MetaMaker is updated in tandem with the rules; all your carefully crafted designs will automatically adjust to reflect changing rules or point balance issues. Our intention with Metaverse is not to create the perfect product from the beginning, rather it is to constantly evolve and curate the system to reach ever further, providing a greater product with each update. These updates will flow regularly, including new features to the site, new design options, bug fixes, and point cost adjustments as needed.

I have a question/I want to report a bug/I think design option Gamma is unbalanced, where do I go, who do I talk to?

All bugs encountered with MetaMaker should be directed to admin@battlespacepublishing.ca. If you have a question for the designers or you think a particular system needs adjusting or you have an idea for the next great super weapon, join other users on Facebook.

Who in their right mind designed this monstrosity?

Rules development is headed by Michael Hoyt. Software development is headed by Adam Gow. All praise can be directed to Adam, all hate mail to Mike.

Do you recommend a minimum or maximum table size for Metaverse?

Metaverse does not include a strict requirement for playing areas as the players are free to design their weapons with whatever ranges and their starships with whatever manoeuvrability that suits their available space. The designers of the rules typically use a 4' x 6' at a minimum up to a 6' x 12' at maximum. If you have a smaller or larger play area than this, simply design shorter or longer weapon ranges and decrease or increase your manoeuvrability.

Do you recommend any essential terrain items?

There are no requirements for terrain in Metaverse. However, the rules do provide opportunities to utilise different stellar phenomenon, such as planets and asteroids. The adventurous and crafty may wish to acquire/create their own planets, moons, and asteroids.

How big should my ships be? Or my models? Or my weapons?

Metaverse is designed to be scalable, so you get to decide for yourself how much “ship” is represented by a hit point, how much violence is represented by a weapon hit, and what scale your models are in. To get you started you might try these numbers: 1 hull point per 10,000 tons of starship, 1 maximum damage of weapon per 8 metatons, models at 1:7000 scale, and the table at 1 metre per light second. Always remember you can scale these numbers up or down to suit your needs, these numbers are given as a suggestion only.